There are certain special things that one never forget in ones life and my stay in kingsport is one among those.It was my first place in U.S; with a calm and peaceful scenic surroundings...
Kingsport ,Tennessee in Sulivan county,is 20 miles nw of johnson city, Tennessee and 132 miles nw of Charlotte, North Carolina. The city is located in the Johnson city Kingsport- Bristol metropolitan area.
Kingsport has a population of 44,905. Indian population is abt 300 to 400.housing is very cheap ,rentals are also cheap. people say that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.well here it is.
Temp here
Jan 26 to 46
apr 43 to 70
jul 64 to 87
oct 44 to 70
95% of commuters drive to work. Commuting to work in Kingsport tends to be by cars. people elsewhere might commute hours everyday.,but generally not in kingsport,where the commutes are shorter than a lot of places.
We stay at Allandale Falls ,with a beautiful scenic view and a backyard . .when snow falls it looks beautiful...Here we have some indian families,who are always ready to help, and are very friendly with full of fun. Occasionnaly we have family gatherings,parties,etc., if one family hosts a party all other ladies go and help in cooking.its a lot of fun.........
Kingsport ,Tennessee in Sulivan county,is 20 miles nw of johnson city, Tennessee and 132 miles nw of Charlotte, North Carolina. The city is located in the Johnson city Kingsport- Bristol metropolitan area.
Kingsport has a population of 44,905. Indian population is abt 300 to 400.housing is very cheap ,rentals are also cheap. people say that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.well here it is.
Temp here
Jan 26 to 46
apr 43 to 70
jul 64 to 87
oct 44 to 70
95% of commuters drive to work. Commuting to work in Kingsport tends to be by cars. people elsewhere might commute hours everyday.,but generally not in kingsport,where the commutes are shorter than a lot of places.
We stay at Allandale Falls ,with a beautiful scenic view and a backyard . .when snow falls it looks beautiful...Here we have some indian families,who are always ready to help, and are very friendly with full of fun. Occasionnaly we have family gatherings,parties,etc., if one family hosts a party all other ladies go and help in cooking.its a lot of fun.........