I mailed my brother that iam interested in coming to their place and to send me the related documents ......
The very next day my brother called and said he was happy for my decision and looking forward for the day of my arrival in budapest and sent the formal invitation which should be sent to hungarian embassy..............
I applied for hungarian visa and within 2 weeks i got the visa for 3 weeks..............
I was very excited to see my near and dear ones as well as the new place........
I packed a few things and got ready for journey..................
After coming to US this is my first travel to a long distance in flight ...i observed each and everything very carefully and remembered my first flight journey to US...
I boarded the flight and my first stop was Atlanta..i got down in atlanta and finished the required formalities ....................they took some of my papers related to US..and said those will be handed over to me when i get back to AMERICA.....
Iwas waiting for my next flight, which goes to FRANKFUT..in the meanwhile i started thinking about my EUROPE trip...i remembered my brother telling me that, in BUDAPEST people talk in their local language and some shop owners dont know even english also....
This point scared me a bit...because how can i communicate if i get a problem???.........
After some time i heard my flight announcement and i boarded it...in my next seat i had an indian so i didnt get bored. the flight took 9 hours from ATLANTA to FRANKFURT..... i had a great time in flight
HOOOOO i entered into EUROPE................
At FRANKFURT i saw many indians, because its a transit place..people change flights here to different destinations...
In FRANKFURT we have to get trains for going from one terminal to another.....that much huuuge airport......................... its a different experience......
From there i took flight to BUDAPEST,my last destination....in that flight each and everyone was talking in local language.... i felt alone...........
After 2 hours i landed in BUDAPEST... i finished my customs formalities and came out ....my brother was waiting there............on seeing him i forgot my strain and strees ............
It took me 14 hours to reach my destination............here we have to change our time .they r 6 hours before US
We took taxi to their place which is 30 min from airport..in taxi my brother was talking to me but i was watching outside ....all buildings were of same type.......... old and strong construction.I WAS OVERWHELEMED BY THE SHEER BEAUTY OF THE CITY
We reached home and i felt happy on seeing my dear ones...i had my lunch and took rest as i was feeling some jet log .next day morning i felt fresh.....we had a lot of fun .as it was cold outside we preffered to stay at home for some days.....................
As my stay was for 3 weeks we covered each and everything very leisurely..
BUDAPEST is a tourist place.so we see all types of people like germans ,french,dutch etc.,........and the local language is hungarian, but we hear mixed languages......It is the capital of hungary and a big city with huge constructions..their currency is forent(HUF)they count it from 1 to 1 lakh .they dont have any decimals....isnt it funny.....
The city is divided into two by DANUBE river.one side is BUDA and the other is PEST...Chain Bridge is the central point of Budapest.Trinity Square is at the heart of the city and usually thronging with tourists. we covered the parliament ,museum ,parks,underground trains ,malls,.....
They have a good public transportation with busses and trams available very frequently .In winter it gets dark at afternoon 3.30 itself.......i experienced more cold when compared to US.........sometimes my hands get burning sensation and become red because of cold...........
I dont know how my 3 weeks stay got completed... and my return date arrived .....its a beautiful experience for me in my life.
I promised my brother that i will visit that place again when time permits and took leave from them......................